Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hobby Lobby is My Mother-Ship

I always learn something in Sunday School...errr..."small group."

Our new class is in a book going through the Bible and it can be tedious at times...fitting the information into the time allotted. But our teacher moves at his own pace, and so that's good.

We are new to this class, and it's pretty big. We are in the fellowship hall and it's hard to hear in that room. The ceilings are high and there's an ice-machine in the kitchen that makes a noise...and the air-conditioner makes a noise as well.

And I'm not saying that it's hard to hear because we are all OLD PEOPLE IN THIS CLASS. It really is loud, I promise.

What's that you say? Speak up, Sonny!

Our teacher does a great job with the lessons. He tries to include as many people as possible in the reading of the Scripture verses. He encourages comments and questions. It's just that, for people like me...who have a quiet voice...I would have to yell to be heard, and ain't nobody got time for that.

I feel kind of bad for the teacher, tho, because the book we are just gives you the high-lights. For example we covered two books of the Old Testament last a matter of 35 minutes or so. I told Jim, "I can just see Micah and Nahum listening carefully to the Spirit of God for what to write...dedicated to detail...praying over it, etc. Then, over 2000 years later, someone in a small group in Arkansas will "skim" over it to "get the highlights."

Well, THIS was awesome. I don't actually remember all about the lesson (SAW-REE)...but I've thought all week about something our teacher shared. He read an article about Steve Green, president of Hobby Lobby and son of it's founder. Mr. Green and his family have purchased a building near the National Mall in Washington, D.C. with the purpose of establishing a museum dedicated to the history of the Bible. Mr. Green has spent the last several years trying to find and purchase ancient manuscripts and Bibles. The Green family has used much of their own money, but will more than likely start a national fundraising drive to help finance the reconstruction.

As you can imagine, this project is not without criticism from people wondering if the museum will be a purely historical site or if it will be used for evangelism.


You can read the entire article from the New York Times here.

I was so excited to hear this news! Because BIBLE MUSEUM.


I love Hobby Lobby. The Decorations? The crafts? Makes me so happy!

It's like my mother-ship. 

So when I came in with bags from HobLob the other day, Jim raised an eyebrow and said, "do we REALLY NEED more STUFF?" I said, "I'm just trying to help out the Green we talked about in Sunday School."

And when HE said, "how about giving someone else a turn," I was able to look at him with all the confidence in the world, and say, "it's for the BIBLE MUSEUM...and for JESUS."

"In everything give thanks..." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

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