Sunday, February 3, 2019

Century Bob

A couple of years ago, our middle son, Logan, asked for a “Century Bob” for his birthday. 

First of all, I had never heard of such a thing. 

Second of all, I had to google it. Or, as my boys say, “GOOOOOOOGLE IT, Mom...GOOOOOOOGLE IT!” 

I’m pretty sure I asked the nice man at the sporting goods store for a “fake man that you kick.” 

I stand by the fact that’s it’s probably one of the most unusual gifts I’ve ever bought for my kids, or for anyone, but if you have boys...they will think it’s AWESOME! 

I didn’t, and still don’t, understand the fascination with the fake man...but he was on sale, so I bought him. 

Logan was so tickled with it, and spent the next few days scaring Morgan half-to-death, by moving it all over their house. He would put different clothes on him from time to time...a hat, a scarf, a jacket. He even brought Century Bob with him when he stayed several weeks with his grandparents. 

On the days when my husband was there for work, Logan would hide Century Bob in the shower, or move him around in the room to scare Jim when he came in. 

Century Bob can be raised to over 6 feet tall, and I’m not joking when I tell you: if you walk into a dark room, and turn on the light...assuming you don’t have a heart attack and die on the will take you a minute to realize it’s just a fake man from the sporting goods store. 

So when we were visiting Logan and Morgan this past weekend, we got to see Century Bob, loud and proud, in their living room. But this Momma was on her game, and I gave him a big dose of my foot in his mouth. 

Uhhh...neck. I mean, high-chest area. 

Because I'm 5'3".

I know I should be more embarrassed by this picture than I am, but I’m just sayin. A real mugger might’ve killed me dead, but I legit put the beat-down on ol’ Bob. 


“It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, And the light dwells with Him." Daniel 2:22

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