Monday, April 8, 2019

Logan's Big Test & Praying For Our Children

Back in October, on a Monday afternoon, Logan and Morgan came here to spend the night before Logan's big test (Occupational Therapy Boards). His test was going to be in Little Rock, and our house is closer to LR than theirs.

Logan was up at 5 on Tuesday morning...making coffee, and trying to settle his spirit. He was very patient as Morgan and I tried to fuss over him...wanting to make him breakfast, encouraging him to take snacks.

And then he was gone.

He left way too early, in my opinion, but he wanted to avoid the early-morning work traffic.

Two hours later, I was the one heading into Little Rock...taking Joshua to his Therapeutic Recreation.

And then, even though I had been praying for over 2 months for Logan, as he prepared and studied for this test; and even though I prayed for him as he left the house that morning; and even tho I was STILL praying for him, as he was taking this 5 hour test...on my way back home, I put on my blinker, and I took an exit.

I found the testing center, and I rolled my little self up in the parking lot.

It didn't take me long to find Logan's car. It was about the 4th one from the door. That made me giggle. Yep...I think he got there plenty early!

Logan was already inside, starting on his 2nd hour of a 5 hour test. I pulled my car up in front of his car, and stopped.

And I began to pray.

Why did I feel the need to physically go to where my ADULT child be as close as possible to the situation? I mean, surely my prayers from home were just as "heard" and just as effective...right?

And to be clear, the outcome of this day (or any day) was never up to me. 

But prayer is powerful, y'all. It might not change your circumstances, but it for sure changes your perspective. I am a huge believer in the power and importance of prayer. I pray for others besides my own family, but in this post, I'm focusing on my prayers for them. For all that I forget to do, or neglect in my life...I pray for my kids. I think we should be reckless and lavish and BOLD when it comes to praying for our children.

Have you ever prayed over your child when they were sick...or nervous...or hurting? 

Have you ever gone into their rooms at night, and put your hands on them, and prayed over them while they slept?

I have...many times.

I've prayed for their hearts...that they would see their sin, and realize their need for salvation. I've prayed they would allow God to take root and grow...that they would stay attached to HIM for strength and nourishment.

I've prayed over them when their hearts were broken, because my heart was broken right along with theirs.

I've prayed over their clothes, as I took them out of the dryer, and folded them...redeeming this mundane task...thanking God for our washer and dryer, and asking Him to help our kids be thankful for the small things, as well as for the big things; and praying, as they wear those clothes, they will be reminded of how God clothes the grass in the field, that is here one day, and thrown in the furnace the next day...and for them to know that He cares so much more for them.

I've prayed over their shoes..."Lord, may my children bring the message of the Gospel of peace wherever they go...and would You watch over them, even if their feet take them to places they know they aren't supposed to go?"

I've prayed over tests and books and notes for a speech. I've prayed as I packed their lunches for the day...thanking God for the food He provided, and asking Him to use it to sustain them for the day.

I've prayed over their attitudes, their spirits, that they would use their words to help and encourage others.

I've pulled up in parking lots at their schools and colleges...and prayed for them, their teachers, their friends, their safety. I've prayed in locker rooms...over pads and helmets and cleats...and I've prayed over swim goggles and dance shoes.

I've prayed over medicine..."Lord, would You use this to bring healing?"

I've prayed for their cars to make it til graduation...or maybe just to get them home safely "one more time."

I've got one who is rarely sick, but when he is...I cannot tell you the knot that is in my stomach. And so whenever he is sick, or whenever the others are sick...I pray for healing...and for acceptance, if healing doesn't come in the way we want it. And I've prayed for our young Mommies...for healthy babies, and safe deliveries, and for God to be with all of us if His plan is different from the one we are praying for. And I pray for the sweet little ones who are being added to our family. Lord, find us faithful to teach them in Your ways.

My heart is just so tender toward my kids.

I made a lot of mistakes in parenting. I still do. I've said the wrong things. I've over-stepped. I've assumed that I always know what is best. I wasted time on things that didn't matter.

But I believe one of the greatest things we can do for our kids is to pray for them. Truth be told, sometimes it's the ONLY thing we can do.

On this day, I wanted Logan to feel God's presence. I wanted him to know that so many people were praying for him, and believed in I searched my car for a scrap piece of paper, and I wrote down every name of every person who had told me they were praying for Logan that morning. I can't remember for sure, but I think it was around 18-20 people. I put the note under his windshield wiper, and I left.

I didn't really intend to ever share this story, mainly because there's a fine line between being an encouraging mom...and being a stalker mom. And I don't really know which side this lands on. I don't know if it's weird or right or completely wrong...but I did it, and I don't want any grief about it. YOU DO YOU.

I stressed over sharing this because I'm not perfect, and I don't ever want to pretend that I am. Those closest to me will attest to this fact! I struggle, I fail, I fall. And I don't want to suggest that my children are perfect, either. They are not.

I'm sharing this story to say this: as parents, our roles change as our children get older. Or they should. We go from being their comforter, encourager, authority figure, disciplinarian, and being more of an adviser (if they ask), a friend (if they want it), a confidant, a cheerleader, a sounding board, and a fierce prayer warrior (we should always be fierce prayer warriors for our children).

As parents, we know to step back as our kids get older...and let them learn and grow and succeed and fail on their own.

We are told to not hold on too long...that it's not good for them, or for us.

But I want to suggest this as well: don't let (all the way) go too soon.

There are still plenty of ways we can support and encourage our children, even our adult children (and their spouses)...if we keep our eyes and ears open, and act on the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

"So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of His will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better. We also pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to His people, who live in the light." Colossians 1:9-12

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