Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Joshua The Wolf

So on our way to Little Rock today, I asked Joshua how it was going with his "story." For those of you who don't know, Joshua is writing a story that he is convinced will be made into a block-bluster movie...and we will buy a big mansion in the skyyyyyy if it does.

We're not packing yet.

It's called, "Bravery."

He's also working on a story called "Charcoal-Gray Power Ranger," not to be confused with the regular Power Ranger show...but it's eerily similar.

Joshua takes all of the characters from his favorite movies and TV shows: Twilight, Power Rangers, Boy Meets World, Alf, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Frozen...and squishes them around into new characters in his story. And most of his story makes no sense to anyone but him.

What his characters are wearing seems to be very important to Joshua...and how they look. It's interesting to me that in his stories, Joshua's character is 6'4" tall and does NOT wear glasses. Kinda makes me sad to think that he has an idea in his mind of the perfect body, and it's not the way he is now. In real life, Joshua is 5 feet tall and DOES wear glasses. He asked me the other day if I thought he could wear contacts, so that might be something we check out in the future.

And, if we're being honest, Joshua is about 4'10" tall...or so. We always TELL him that he's 5 feet tall, because it seems to be so important to him.

Don't judge me.

For example, in Bravery, Joshua's character is named Josh Billy. Billy is after one of the original Power Rangers. In the Charcoal Ranger story, his character is JAKE Billy. In Bravery, his character starts out as an atheist, and eventually comes to Christ. In Charcoal Ranger, his character starts out as a 7 year old kid, on fire for the Lord. He said that his character in "Bravery" is just taking a little longer to see the Light. I told him that Jesus draws us to Himself...in our spirits.

Joshua said, "well, THAT'S obvious."

He said that he made Ron to be his brother in his Charcoal Ranger story. I said, "Ron, from Harry Potter?" And he said, "yes." I said, "does he have red hair?" Joshua grinned and said, "yep, he's a ginger."

He has also put everyone he knows into his stories. I've written before that he made his character a fearless and strong wolf. He made his two brothers to be strong lions. Holly and Morgan are fearless bears. I can't remember what Faith is, but Aaron-the-son-in-law is a fawn.


As in half-man, half-fawn...like Thomas from Narnia.

This has caused no small amount of conflict, because every time Joshua brings it up, Aaron will threaten to write his OWN story and make Joshua's character a fairy or a mouse. And Joshua goes NUTS!

This should come as no surprise to us, because not only did he make Aaron-the-son-in-law a FAWN...he makes him wear a 1-inch "cut-off" Arkansas Razorback shirt in his story.

I don't think he is fully aware of how little a 1-inch shirt is...or how that would look on Aaron.

Today, I learned that Joshua has also added Jenni's childhood boyfriend to his story. He said, "I made him a big, smelly, RUDE RHINO."

Oh, really?

He also wrote my Dad's wife, Mrs. Clara, into his story. He wrote about finding her crying (this is totally made up), and he tried to comfort her by saying, "hey, I know you lost your best friend (this would be my Mom), but you have filled a hole and a gap in our family with your love."

So, even tho this story is completely made up, this is very true. Mrs. Clara has filled a huge gap in our family and we love her very much.

I could go on and on and on...but I'll spare you. He could talk for hours about this and he gets SO EXCITED and ANIMATED. My head was spinning by the time I got to Little Rock! So.much.information.

I love that Joshua can write. I love that he can read and imagine and think. I love that he has found ways to express himself. He knows the difference between real life and fantasy, and it makes me happy that he is finding fulfillment by using the creativity that God gave him.

"Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous..." Psalm 139:14

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