Friday, October 28, 2011

The One Where I'm Old...

I don't know when it happened...but suddenly I have turned into one of the "older women of the church."

How can that be? I have kids. I'm FUN. I still feel young! (key word: FEEL)

There have been signs that things were a'changin' dinner parties and cook-outs where we were the oldest ones there. Jim and I would look at each other and sing the Sesame Street song under our breaths. You know the one..."one of these things is not like the other; one of these things just doesn't belong..." But we shrugged it off because we were having fun and enjoying our new (younger) friends. Oh, we'd get the occasional question from parents seeking advice on preparing their kids for college, but mostly, we were treated like equals in this whole parenting gig. Like, we were on equal footing with everyone else.

Until last week. 

I met up with a group of women from Bible Study for lunch. We try to frequent a different restaurant each week. This time, we met at Chick-Fil-A "so the kids could play" (first clue...because if you haven't been to a kiddie play-land in a while, the kids all have to be little. VERY little). 

Whoopsie! I think I just lost my footing!

But there were women of all ages there, and the conversations ranged from what is going on in preschool (yeah...2nd clue) to whose son or daughter is getting married. People were sharing pictures from their was beautiful.

And happened. One sweet young thing asked me, "Miss Marty, do you remember back when your kids were little..." (gotta be this point, I must've blacked out because I cannot for the life of me tell you the rest of her question). ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What am I...a hundred? I sure hope it's not too taxing on my shriveled up, old pea-brain to remember that.far.back. Sheesh. I have a 15 year old...oh yeah....

And three others who are OLDER. Whoops! Forgot that little detail.

Eeek! I didn't actually forget I had other kids. I had just failed to comprehend the fact that while I do have a 15 year old, I also have a 20 year old, a 22 year old...and a (wait for it) 25 YEAR OLD! Yikes! Some of the Moms there had kids ages 5 and know, the ones that can safely fit up in the castle at the Chick-Fil-A? I just sat there, mentally trying to come to terms with my old-ness. My 3 oldest kids are not 'kids' anymore. Technically, they are young adults. WOW. I guess I am old. And Sweet Thing there asking me the questions? I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to math...but preeeetttty sure I could've given BIRTH to her.

(and if I HAD given birth to her, you can rest assured that she would be spending the rest of her day in time-out for disrespecting her elders)

(and if I HAD given birth to her, her little boys would be my grandchildren. GRANDchildren, I tell you. Oh! I can't wait!)

I just thought that by the time I was at this stage of my life, I would have it all together. Or MORE together. I would be more patient, more loving, more humble. I would be wise. In fact, I would REEK of wisdom...and people would come from far and near to seek me out for my great knowledge in all things.

(I'M KIDDING...sheesh).

Unfortunately, most days, I don't feel any of those things. Oh, I've learned a lot from the experiences God has brought me through...and I've also made a TON of mistakes when I've tried to do things on my own. I am so thankful God hasn't given up on me!

So, yes you MAY open that door for me...and don't talk to your elders that way...and for goodness sake, stand up straight there, young lady!

"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen." Jude 1:24-25

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