Thursday, August 30, 2018

Kroger, The Young Me, and The Missed Opportunity

I missed an opportunity today.

I was in Kroger, and another lady and I were trying to turn our buggies down the same aisle at the same time. I motioned for her to go first, and she said, "no, really..." and she took a deep breath, "I don't even know."

And right then, I saw the young me.

The young me at the grocery, with 4 kids, and a mile-long list.

The kids would be talking non-stop, and I could not even hear myself think. I would look at my kids...and at my list...and say under my breath, "I don't even know..."

Like, I don't usually have trouble striking up a conversation with somebody at the grocery.

Oh, it's definitely not my nature. But about 20 years ago, this month, I was stopped in my tracks by the reality of how short life I am continually in the process of training myself to speak up.

I looked at this lady as she passed by: a child walking by her side, one sitting in the buggy, and an infant in an infant car seat.

And then she was gone...and I missed it.

I missed telling her that I understand, that she had a beautiful family, that it wouldn't always be so hard.

I missed asking if she needed any help.

I also missed RESISTING THE URGE to tell her that the years are short, but the days are long...or telling her that, one day, she'll look back on these days and smile.

Me missing making comments like that was probably a blessing, because no Mom wants to hear some old lady telling her things like that, when she's in the middle of the grocery store with a bunch of kids, AMIRIGHT?

We have opportunities to show kindness every day...if we will just open our eyes to see what's going on around us, and if we'll just take the time to do it.

"So let’s not get tireof doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up." Galatians 6:9

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